Разплащания с банкови карти, кеш в офиса и банков трансфер
Хотел "Antares"
- Категория:
- Държава/град:
- Италия » Верона (Airport)
- Цени:
- 78 €
- 87 €
The hotel is only 3km from the Valerio CAtullo airport, about 15km from the citi centre of Verona.
Rooms are medium in size and furnished in a elegant and well refined style. They are decorated in cream colour that gives a relaxing atmosphere. They are furnished in a traditional style with fine wooden furniture.
The restaurant respects the elegant style of the hotel and offers international and national cuisine.
This is a modern building partly facing the hotel swimming pool.
The lobby is large in size and furnished in a very elegant and well-refined style. There is a particular car for every detail. It is decorated in light cream colour with a large reception desk and a wooden piano. The seating is equipped with comfortable cream sofas and easy chairs. Upstairs, there is a very pleasant lounge bar decorated in a modern style.
за контакти
LZ BG ЕООДул. "Прелом" 6 офис: 2
1113 София, България
(зад хотел Плиска)
Тел.: + 359 2 971 22 66
+ 359 2 873 29 90
+ 359 2 873 63 39
Е-mail: flyaway@lzbg.com
Skype: lzbgsofia
Телефон за спешни случаи и спешни резервации:
0887 66 21 71
Банкови сметки:
IBAN BGN: BG78RZBB91551067705410
IBAN EUR: BG87RZBB91551467705409
Raiffeisenbank (BULGARIA)